Friday, September 17, 2010

Cole's Week

Cole has had a rough past week.  High heart rates, low oxygen and requiring oxygen (he is normally always on room air), lots of high pressures and lots of suctioning.  We are now on two oral antibiotics and also doing Tobi Nebs.  The Tobi Nebs always seem to work wonders.  Please keep him in your thoughts.  P.S.  This is my first time blogging.........hopefully I catch on to all this!!


  1. This is the fastest set-up of a blog I think I've ever seen! You must have had some fantastic teaching :)

    Cough, cough.

    Will keep Cole in our prayers!!!


  2. Thanks so much, I appreciate your help. Now, to keep up with it. Do you normally blog daily?

  3. Sorry to hear about Cole's set-back. We are keeping him (and the family) in our prayers.

  4. Sorry to hear about Cole. He is in my Prayers along with your family. Huggs xxx

  5. Thank you DeAnn and Sherri!! Very much appreciated...
